A special thanks to Debs and Errol for use of their Geek Love Song for our intro and for all the awesome outros. (Errol also spiffied up our lightsabre picture) They can be found here: http://www.debsanderrol.com
We are proud members of the Crossover Nexus at http://www.crossovernexus.com
Mother Rachel dispenses regular wisdom at: http://revrachelrambles.wordpress.com/
Leeman dispenses bad advice as HP Lovecraft at: http://www.facebook.com/asklovecraft and also contributes the occasional nerdiness to: http://www.myentertainmentworld.ca/author/Leeman/
Listen to Judge John Hodgman arbitrate our dispute here!
My name’s Erik and I’m a geek. That feels good to get off my chest. But for real. I’m a Christian Nerdcore artist from Phoenix, AZ.
I’m contacting you to let you know that I like what you guys do and that I have a new album coming out this Friday called “Not Your Rapper’s Rapper”.
I’m providing an advanced copy to you in hopes that you’ll review it for your website.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I can be reached on here or 480.321.9275
Thank you for your time.
God bless,
Erik Stephen