Episode 20: In Medias Martin

Rachel and Leeman are joined by Dr. Andrew Reeves, US marine, Medievalist, Professor, and total geek. We talk about our past and future geek lives together and apart and discuss his current progress reading Game of Thrones.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled

SUPER SPOILERS at least as far as the very beginning of Feast for Crows.

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Episode 19: Leeman’s Lady Chains

Rachel and Leeman talk about the seedy underbelly of the internet known as the Manosphere and try to wrap their heads around it as best they can.  We also saw Man of Steel and spoil the heck out of it.  (SPOILER: No Krypto)

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled

Man of Steel, Joss Whedon’ Much Ado About Nothing, Deep Space Nine, PUAs, MRAs, Red Pill Wives, “Nice Guys”, and much much more.

For better discussions of the Manosphere, check out www.doctornerdlove.com and www.manboobz.com and for a map of this strange country, check out their rejected wikipedia article.

Also, this glorious song

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Episode 18: Rated R

Rachel and Leeman discuss how they and their families regulated and self-censored the content of different media from movies and books to gaming.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, China Mieville, the Star Wars roleplaying game, Vampire: Dark Ages

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Episode 17: Errol

Rachel and Leeman have one half of Debs and Errol from our intro and outro on to discuss music, church, and why Leeman needs more Filipino friends.

Topics Discussed

Debs and Errol, Monkeyman Productions, the SCA, and The NaNoWriMo Musical

Check out: www.debsanderrol.com

And check out their Geeky Music-y Parody EP

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Episode 16: Superheroes!

Rachel and Leeman join ranks with the rest of the Geek Christian podcasting network to talk Superheroes and their ilk.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled

Iron Man (Lots of Iron Man 3 spoilers!), Batman, Superman, Lois and Clark, X-Men, Mark Millar’s Red Son, and of course… Farscape

Some related Lady Chains from Rachel’s Grace Church Blog


Friends of the Show

Are You Just Watching? – http://areyoujustwatching.com
Faith Hope and Nerds – http://faithhopeandnerds.com
Gamestore Prophets – http://gamestoreprophets.com
Geek This! podcast – http://geekthispodcast.com
Holy Worlds Podcast – http://holyworlds.posterous.com
The Sci-Fi Christian – http://thescifichristian.com
Storymen – http://storymen.us
Strangers and Aliens – http://strangersandaliens.com
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Episode 15: Parasites

Rachel and I talk about how sci fi deals with strange creatures growing inside some of its characters.


Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled:

Muppet Babies, Superman, Deep Space Nine, Farscape, BSG, Angel, Vorkosigan Saga, Sharing Knife series, the future of the Kessler household.

Friends of the Show

Are You Just Watching? — http://areyoujustwatching.com
Faith Hope and Nerds — http://faithhopeandnerds.com
Gamestore Prophets — http://gamestoreprophets.com
Geek This! podcast — http://geekthispodcast.com
Holy Worlds Podcast — http://holyworlds.posterous.com
The Sci-Fi Christian — http://thescifichristian.com
Storymen — http://storymen.us
Strangers and Aliens — http://strangersandaliens.com
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Leemantations Chapter 2: Podcasts

So I figured I would go all meta and talk a bit about my passion for podcasts.  Back in the Spring of 2005, the noted webcomic presarios over at Penny Arcade put up a link to video of Will Wright talking about this up and coming, revolutionary game called Spore.  Now Spore wound up being fun but not necessarily worth the hype but the real story was that the website where this video was being hosted also had a podcast by a guy who called himself Gaming Steve.

I owned an early generation iPod at this point but found myself mostly listening to Gaming Steve on my computer while I played video games and avoided doing homework for my education degree I was pursuing.   Regardless of how I listened, I found I was hooked.  I was mostly interested in getting all the information I could on Spore but I found myself really like Steve and his soft-voiced discussions on the gaming industry, reviews of games I would never play, and all around pleasant demeanour.

That Summer, I began to yearn for more content and iTunes had started listing podcasts and so I just typed in “Geek” and the world was opened up to me.  In the last eight years, podcasts have quickly replaced TV, Music, and Books as my primary input medium.  Only Netflix has managed to make a decent dent in it as I find it marginally more conducive to playing video games.

There’s something oddly intimate about podcasts, both in how we select them and hone our preferences more than just sitting down to see what’s on TV and in the way those voices in your ears become friends and companions.  When a podcast is late, I feel genuinely sad, as if I’m being stood up by a good friend for a scheduled get together.

I was very fortunate to find a lady who also became hooked on podcasts.  Having a dog doesn’t hurt.  Over the years, I’d thought about different podcast ideas and it was really a bolt out of the blue when Rachel and I sat down, brainstormed, and here you are.  I have a lot more to say about the subject so expect to hear more but for now, know that I’m not just a podcaster, I’m also a customer.

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Episode 14: The Con is On!

Rachel and Leeman talk about their various convention experiences and how they compare.  Rachel would also like everyone to know that Leeman has taken over editing the episodes and has much lower standards so apologies all around.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled:

The Vlog Brothers, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Con-G, Toronto Comic Con, TCAF, Necronomicon-Providence, Namio’s Corner, Derek the Bard, Star Wars vs Star Trek, Bimbos of the Death Sun, and Kalamazoo

Please visit our friends over at the Strangers and Aliens Podcast

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Episode 13: I Something the 90s

Rachel and Leeman look back at the ’90s and ponder the parallel streams of Popular and Christian Culture with equal parts nostalgia and grimacing.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled:

Cabin in the Woods, Clarissa Explains it All, Dr Quinn, 7th Heaven, Newsboys, DC Talk, Veggie Tales, Sean Astin’s Amazing Love, Next Generation, Due South, Soap, King of the Hill’s Reborn to be Wild

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Episode 12: Board Games!

Rachel and a somewhat febrile Leeman discuss board games and their repercussions on a marriage.

Topics Discussed and/or Spoiled

Various board games ranging from the unplayable to the unplayed and also this lovely fellow.


Also: http://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/ltkessler

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